This refund policy shall apply to The Spiritual Center LLC's services and products:
- intro for clients: Ascended Living Spiritual Guide services and products are designed with you, the Client, in mind and is committed with success in mind ready to help you create a life you love. These services and products are available to better your life. The Guide terms outlined below are meant to foster mutual respect between Client and Ascended Living Spiritual Guide. Emergencies and special circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis, but generally speaking, the policies below apply to all services and products offered.
Join us to live your best life!
- confidentiality: Every one-on-one session is completely confidential. Group sessions involve multiple people and the question-and-answer forum at the end of the session whether online or in-person will be open to all, and all participants will be bound by the confidentiality clause. And, of course, all products are for personal use and any discussion between client and Ascended Living Spiritual Guide is covered by the confidentiality clause. A safe space is created to allow transformation with Self that is necessary to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life that you love.
- refund policy: All product purchases and one-time sessions whether individual or group are non-refundable.
- legal disclaimer: Ascended Living Spiritual Guide is not a physician, psychiatrist, or medical professional. The services offered will provide guidance, emotional support, and encouragement with an intent to help clients reach their personal goals and this doesn’t include a diagnosis or treatment for any illness. This is not psychotherapy or a substitute for licensed counseling, medical advice, or substance abuse treatment. Please refer to Ascended Living Spiritual Guide Agreement Terms of Purchase contract and the Terms of Use Agreement found in the header and footer of the website governing all services and products offered on this website.